Во-первых, видео, из которого я публиковала гифки ниже, можно посмотреть
здесь. Это закулисье Glee, и Нил там появляется. (:
Во-вторых, довольно старые новости. С фото. Нил на съемочной площадке.

Короткая заметкаSince we all thought for a long time that Neil Patrick Harris' cameo on "Glee" would never actually come to fruition, lay your eyes on the man, the myth, the Doogie-ditcher on set today! And for the five of you who don't know what role he'll be playing:
NPH plays Bryan Adam (love it?), a high school nemesis of Will Schuester's who returns as board member at William McKinley. Back in the day, Bryan got all the girls and solos while Will sat idly by. However, "show choir ruined his life, made him feel he could be a star, but all he could do is book Carnival cruises. Now he wants vengeance," an insider told EW.com. The episode, which was directed by Joss "geek God" Whedon, will air as a part of May sweeps.
ИсточникВ-третьих, новые фото! Не особо спойлерные, если вдруг кого-что. )
+1 +статья

Neil Patrick Harris is headed to “Glee,” and Access Hollywood has your first look!
The “How I Met Your Mother” star is making a guest appearance on the hit FOX series as Bryan Ryan, a returning former rival of Matthew Morrison’s character Will Schuester.
Neil will appear on the hit series on May 18 in an episode titled, “Dream On.”
As previously reported on AccessHollywood.com, Molly Shannon and Olivia Newton-John will both join the “Glee” gang, as well as Kristin Chenoweth, who will reprise her role as April Rhodes. New additions this spring season also include Broadway stars Idina Menzel and Access Hollywood’s latest Rising Star, Jonathan Groff, who both premiered on the show this past Tuesday.
In other NPH news, the actor will make his musical directorial debut this summer when “Rent” visits the Hollywood Bowl for a three-night only stand in Los Angeles in August, starring Vanessa Hudgens as Mimi.
Нил и Метью!
Ыыы! Скорей бы 19я серия!
очень хочется! x)
А тебе я еще попищу! )))))