a blue guitar, a set of stars, or those exactly who they are
А также немножко про Хоррибла, Джосса и т.д.

I was on set for the filming of tonight’s episode of Glee, which was directed by Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon and featured Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother) as Will’s old rival Bryan Ryan. In between takes of Bryan and Will’s dynamic cover of Aerosmith’s “Dream On,” Harris sat down with me to talk about guest-starring on the Fox series, working with Whedon, and the Glee character he finds “dreamy.” (For those of you who haven’t seen the episode tonight, a mild spoiler alert warning!)

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@темы: статьи, movie: dr. horrible, tv: glee, интервью

19.05.2010 в 18:41

Well, he’s dreamy.
19.05.2010 в 18:44

a blue guitar, a set of stars, or those exactly who they are
IKR. :lol: